Developing our game and conceptualizing it from idea to now turning it to reality has been a process. Managing Trello and learning how to effectively use it to help us rather than hamper us has been the most important thing to get right here at the start of development. Working with the lead to develop the game in his vision but also adapting it to what may be needed for the game has also been a learning experience. There were a few points where I realized I had to talk more with the lead on exactly how he wants the game to work as to best adapt it to paper form. We had a lengthy discussion at first over whether the game would be an auto runner or now. As I saw it there were a few conflicting game concepts where it was a "Speed Run" game but as an auto runner that would mean it would have a limit in how fast the player could move through the level depreciating the identity of the game. That was an early cut from the games design that was replaced instead with a collectable the player could collect. This would still give a feeling of mastery and development for the levels without straying from the games core identity.
Trello has been a great tool to clearly organize all the work we have done. Using it to divvy up all the work has been an amazing tool to see what everyone is doing and work together collaboratively as a team.
Paper Prototype
On my end the paper prototype was a major point of my development going over how the rules should work and communicating with the lead to find out his vision for the game and using that to develop the paper prototype, at first, I setup a round by round system in which the player moved forward of their own accord but could also move side to side. However later on instead of moving side to side the player would always move forward one space they would just have the option of moving side to side. This falls in line with how our full game works. As an auto runner the player simply controls their side-to-side movement with no control of moving forward outside of the now developing grapple mechanics and being on fire to move faster.
Movement Mechanics
I started the movement script to control the character and make them automatically move in the world. Using Unity's new input system, I wrote out a script to control the character as it automatically moved using vector 3 controls. Creating the Input system and MoveVec control has allowed me to create an adaptable system so the lead can adjust the speed however they want to tune the game in.
Grapple Time
Last sprint reviews our group ended up in a slight panic, turns out our movement mechanic of burning does not count as a movement mechanic for the game's direction. We at first were scrambling to think of any new idea that could work to our game pancaking we would have to change directions. Before we all just decided to choose the next easy option, I came up with the idea of us taking the day to each come up with 3 different unique ideas for the movement mechanic and reconvene the next day to discuss and pitch our ideas. Similar to how we originally pitched the game I felt getting as many ideas as possible would be best suited to find what may be the best direction to take for our game.
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