CAGD 230
E-Portfolio Part 2 post 2
for the desk i wanted a more stylized Desk lamp, I got inspiration from Lofree and their vintage styled designs and recreated the lamp they have here
Once I get a glass texture into the outer layer it'll give a modern candle lit atmosphere that will be very stylized to the room.
What would an explorers room be without a compass, the compass was fun to design with all the little bolts to it
Globe are also a must when it comes exploration and old explorers.
EPortfolio post 1
Compasses are a prime example of "explorers Item so making a compass prop is a no brainer. Down the line with extra time adding an old map underneath it with some locations and a whole chart would be a fun add on.
adding a proper wall hinge and holder for a sword to hang on the wall. Making a European styled sword or claymore is honestly something That could really add to the rooms presence and style of the whole room.
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