Eportfolio post 5
For our 3rd project in the class I have (in the first playtest batch of this assignment) playtest group threes board game. My experience playing group 3s game was entertaining and interesting without a doubt. While the rule sheet was full of a lot of clutter and had a somewhat apparent lack of organization it was a very thorough and complete rule sheet that fully explained the game and how it should be played. To start in the game you need to lay out the safe cards in any order. From there you spend your turns rolling for stats, acquiring items, and preparing to go into the dungeon. Once you are all set and ready to go you enter the dungeon. Once you enter the dungeon you take floor tiles and expand out into any direction you desire. The dungeon tiles vary in many different types and designs with how they may either have open pathways, keys and lock, monsters or be blank hallways. There is also shop cards, these rooms allow you to buy items and enhance your equipment.
In terms of the formal elements within the game their were understandable elements and formal designs that dictated the games core concepts and designs
-The objectives of this game is to progress through the dungeon clearing rooms and passing through the various pathways in order to escape the dungeon. A standard simple task made new and refreshing through the games unique map development to get that gold.
-The procedures of the game group 3 made is too spend ones actions to progress through the dungeon. The game has set procedures on how and when and where players can move across the board in set sequences.
-Within the game there are base rules the players must follow during the course of time the game is being player, those include things like how you have a set amount of actions in a turn a limit on distance one can move in a turn, the stats the adhere to for their attacks, defenses, health, save, magic, armor, damage types, and other things. These are all dictated by set rules and descriptive things that must be followed.
-There are various recourses in the game the players must keep track of in order to survive the dungeon within this game. To start there is gold, gold must be found either in loot pools or acquired through killing a monster. There is also XP which is acquired from killing monsters within the dungeon. There is also keys, certain rooms require keys in order to pass through or get out of, these rooms require a certain amount of keys to open. Items could also be considered a recourse considering how they are needed to kill monsters and get gold.
-As with most dungeon fight games there is a conflict of monsters that must be killed through fighting them in combat. There are also doors that require keys creating a search to succeed conflict, Lastly there are trap rooms that deal damage to the players when they enter the room.
-The games boundaries are the many walls and doors and edges to the dungeon that the players must work around in order to pass through and progress through to the end.
-Within the game the core outcome that can occur is either players, after spending time to clear through rooms working their way across the board manage to collect enough gold to succeed, conquer, and escape the dungeon with all their loot along with of course being alive. The other potential outcome is the players are not strong enough to clear the dungeon and die at some point along the way.
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