CAGD 112


Manually stitching together a panorama really taught me a lot about using photoshops tools and how much power it has. When it comes to minor edits on photos here and there I didn't really grasp just how powerful the tools could be. It wasn't till I starter editing rock formations and water ripples I finally realized just how powerful they were. 

For these 2 pictures it was especially difficult to get the water to line up how I wanted it.

Many edits were made using different areas of the water to get rid of the division it had, Especially considering the creek itself shifted due to rocks making the divide even more apparent.


For the HDRI assignment we had to overly pictures in order to get a high color density effect. What was really difficult in this assignment was finding a place with good color variation. That was the key thing I searched for around campus, Its a shame I don't have a car because I can think of a few places around where I could have taken more interesting shots but overall I like how this turned out. The red barn worked as a nice focal point for the image contrasting the greens and blues with a prominent orange before fading into white with the sky. I also tossed my shoe into the shot to try to contain the image and focus your eyes to the shed. I found without it my eyes wandered out to the bright light on the right.


For this assignment we needed to find things to put into a state of depth of field, the primary element was getting a blurry background image with a core image focal point. For this shot these berries immediately caught my eye while walking around campus with the road expanding behind they perfectly served what I needed in order to get the type of shot I wanted. The main challenge was finding the right amount of  ISO and shutter to get the color shades I wanted. Since this show was taken at my first real attempt trying to understand the camera it took plenty of attempts fiddling with settings and so forth.


Getting an edge shot with something close to the camera along with a fading background was pretty fun. I actually got this image right off the back after walking down the stairs of Whitney. The piano is nice for this assignment because it shows both the close object and the distant one with the camera fading down the notes into the background.  


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